How To Use This Site

sliced loaves standing on end

If baking is your game, the 9 Grain Flours are your new inspiration. Go beyond boring gluten-free recipes that mimic bland wheat products, and explore the vast flavor range and performances characteristics of all nine non-glutenous grains. From delicate pastries to exotic and unexpected treats, the recipes on this site will thrill, satisfy and provoke. Click a grain name or enter a search word (eg: Sourdough) to find a treat to bake - or just see what the site contains. Everything here is free and easily accessed. No pop-ups. No advertising. No data collection. Just great new foods.

Note: Some of the grain entries contain more recipes than fit on a single page. At the bottom of each page is a page number with little green arrows. Click the arrows to reach the next page of recipes.

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Don't neglect to click About Us! You'll see why 9 grain flours are the future of baking and how this site came to be.

All recipes original or adapted by Charles Luce for GF Creations LLC.